

JTC School


Through its founder, JTC school has been dealing with personal development for over 10 years.
Its main goal is to transfer an array of skills and stimulate the development of abilities essential to the improvement of personal characteristics in social relations.

Experience, skill, talent and a natural propensity to human relationships are the key elements for achieving excellent personal and professional results.

The operational areas are:
Communication, public speaking, negotiation techniques, leadership, group dynamics,

JTC School also offers following services:
Coaching, corporate HR development, personalized courses.

Each course was designed based on the extensive experience gained in heterogeneous contexts. A feature common to all issues is the strong experiential component, essential for proper learning and subsequent use on behalf of the admitted participants, each of which will receive an individual follow-up session aimed at transferring what was learned, in actual fact, to the specific personal and/or professional sphere.

Brochures :

Operational areas


"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Albert Einstein